Tuesday, June 28, 2011

HII, HEELLO. Today ader problem sikit uh. Wth wth my phone lost siol.
Amacam nii semua bley terjady . errrrr ni larh aku bodoh sgt taruk
kt tempat toliet tu then tk tau nk amik balik. Bodoh uh kau ni shahirah.
K fine semua da terjady apee mau buat. Gini mcm aku da tkde phone uh siol
nk kene tungguh sampai phone baru. Waaasey ,
klw tau tk keluar kn uh phone aku and tk taruk kt situ ni semua
salah aku. and im angry at my ownself. EEEEERRRR!
mcm mane nk call org ni and nk msg org. 
Daa larh apee mau buat krg da terjady daa larh and and
sape yg tgh pegang aku yer phone krg aku klw dpt phone aku ,
seriously aku akn maki siol rabak rabak. 
Siol yer anak klw mau curi, curi uh kt stall handphone tu ader 
byk phone kt sane gy uh curi pua'puas. Kaninabu cb.
K laa bai thaaankyouverynotnice yg sape yg tgh pegang phone aku. 
Gi jln uh siol. Bai  -.-

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Currently i have no mood, okay she is so irritating very much.
She is so the manje and i hate it so much, she just making me angry
by being telling my mum that i blame her and i scold her..
Wth it a small problem siaa bt she makimg it a big problem.
Ohh pleaase, you have no rite to told me whaat to do or
whaat to say understand. Your just a small litter child tht is
only primary 2. So who should respect who first me or you?  
FYI you should respect me not me repect you ,
okay fine i know that i sleep at your house and need to respect you,
bt the thing is the more i respect you your just making more worst
understand little child. Toward now i will not respect you
bt you just need to respect me.
OHHGOSH. whaat a child need to be
teach from me. HELL YAA.  k bai -.-'

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

SHAHIRAAAAAAAH. Di sini huak'huak. Okaay nk dgr BERITETERGEMPAR tk?
Okaay tkdy i online my fb kai phone i laaa daa gitu berape mint ader org add aku kt fb
namaa diee 'OPPS tidak boleh beritau. hehe dah ape lagy i accept jer uh die yer add daa gytu
ader lagy satu add i jugak name die serupe dgn yg first add aku. LOL .
nama die , you know tidak boleh beritau. Hehehe then per lagy accept tu add jugak uh.
Then yg first add kyter bbl kt fb message, second add kyter bbl wall-to-wall.
Sape tk tau wall-to-wall to aper tu korg yer pasal malas maau explain yooooooooo'
Okaay can. tapi yg paling kelakar yg secong add ckp gini  'ish i mnt kt u..
muke u cute lorh' kekek. siol die ckp gytu. OHHMYPLEAASE awesome siol kyter
wall-to-wall tapi yg first add tu bley larh tahan bbl dgn die he just not that funny. Tapi yg
problem yer die org tinggal kt malaysia siol. F uh tkpe aper aku heran yoo yg si second
minat kt aku tapi yg paling bagus aku tk minat kt diee. Orang mcm i minat kt org
singapore jeeer huak'huak. LOL. pfft' lu minat kt wa tapy wa tk minat kt lu amacm?
big problem kt sini. Hahaha fake jer siol. Jgn terkeju hehe. Okay then last part
si second tu mintak number i , then i just give la daa gytu si second tu pon
mintak no i jugak. Waaasey wat the big problem siaa mintak number aku .LOL
okay fine , aku tgk aku tpye panjang siol huak'huak. Congration' panjang cite aku nii.
HAHAH! Okaay lor , sudaah blank yoo. Tidak tau apooo mau bbl lagy siol.
Isk perangai jer aku hahaha mmg selalu. Hhahaha, Okaay can ciooooow peeps </3

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HEEELLO, here there some picture for 
you guys. Yeaaaah. Hehees' do look at it.
BYEEEBYEE lovely </3

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WEEEE'  On the right hand side is my BESTFRIEND name Afifah(:
We had lonnng time nvr saw each others and this few week ago,
 We had meet many times. HEES AWESOME friend i had. Okaay can,
 meet you soon again, bestbestfriend, we are totally the rapaat siol ,
 baaek kn i knw. LOL . Okay this afternoon i went downstair and bring my
 coursion along with me and my sis to play downstair. Then we play play,
suddenly my bestfriend coursion, call me and asked me and the other to went
 there then pooo lagy we go daar laar. She said like this, 'kau nk jumpe iyfah eh?
 I say said' aaaaaaah , nk aku nk jumpe iyfah. She said' okaay tunguh jap kyter
 panggil iyfah okaay? Me say OKAAY(: about how mint later iyfah came ,
 then out of sudden i was jump toward her lol, akuu da gyler da tkdy jumpe die.
 HEHEHE. SKIPPPPPPPPPP , then we go to the playground and sit there and
 take so many picture yoo. But i choose this picture that you may saw up there it a
 preety snap we take and iloveitverymuch. Hahaha OKAAAY bestbestfriend
meet you soon girl BYEEE BYEEE: )

Saturday, June 18, 2011

OKAAAAY, I'm baack. I did not go to the storage and take my things,
becaaause my daddy went to work, so we can't go to the storage and take
my things. WEEEEEEEE. Baaaeek punyaa awesome tk gy storage. I suke i suke. 
HEHE i can sit down at home like hell, Okaay can. Now im, just sitting down like HELL YAA.
 old women and just plaaying com until that now. HUHUU. Btw, akuuu rindu kau uh bodoh 
saaayang, lamaa tk jumpe kau uh siol, WTF, inbox aku kt fb pon tk tentu ader , 
isk irrit siaa. Aku mcm bodooh rindu kn die tapy die mcm tk rindu akuu siol, tkpe leeer 
nasib punyee baek mood aku hary ni OKAAAY. Fuuuuuh imissyoualotdear </3 
aku krg tgh pegang, TEDDY BEAR. Sedare aku yeer cutee gyler siol. LOLS. 
Okaay,  i going to count to ten and this post will be OVER. WEEEEEEEEEEEE.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 00000. Huuhu , BByebye peoples di sini ^^

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

HEEELLO, peeh kaabar saaye tgh hyper krg , weeeeeeee. Eh eh yesterday can i go hougang
 and cut my hair kn , come i cite kn okaay aper yg telah happen smlm. Okay first i naik lrt psl nk
 gy compass poin nk naik mrt gy hougang . Okay S K I P then daar sampai kt compass point mrt.
 I and my mother sitting down then then i saw the two handsome boy , matrep gyler dooook .
 Tk leey aaangs shacok nk mampus. Huhuuu . I suke okaay , satu laki rambut die dyee rambut
colour light brown caaair siol . Rambut die cool nk mampus. Hahahaa tapy yg lagy satu laki
 boleeey uh aku tk sangat nmpk muke laki tu yg lagy satu . Fuuuuuh baaaek siol shacok nk
 mampus. Okaay then berape min mrt daah sampai we when in the mrt and stop and you
 know whaat adik akuu punyeeee larh irritating nk mampus die membebel non stop irrit siol,
 mcm nk ckp FUCK THE MOUTH UP siol . Tapy nasib aku bersabar jer , okaay can darh
 sampai hougang go and cary that kedai rambut walk walk walk , daa dapaat kedai t
u and go inside and sayee 'i want to cut my hair layerd . Theen he asked me to sit down
 the chair then aper lagy aku duduk uhh . Hahahaa time tu aku tk sabaar siol nk potong rambut,
baper mint i finish cutting hair already . After i give the money to pay the hair cut money ,
 i go outside and try if i can tied my hair then i see that i can tied, waaaaalaau baaaaeek
punyaa AWESOME TO THE MAX. Weeeeeeee i suke sekali with my new hair , waaasey
baaaek perh . Okay then okay cutting hair go eat eat . then aper lagy go homee larh then go
 bath and bersih kn my hair LOLS, jakung with my new hair laarh hahaha . Okaay , shudup
girl with my new haaair jeer . Enough okaay . I 'am running with word now and i can
 only saay now Saayonaraa peeps :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Now , im just lying down in the bed doing nothing just plaaying 
game MALL WORLD LOL. Childness siaa nehmind hahaaa. 
Okaay , totally nothing too do? Whaaat a bored yoo ... Okaay can 
saaye sebenarye tgh tunguh maak saye balik and then nk ajak mak saaye 
gy hougang and cut hair. Ohh yeaah , cut hair saaye suker. Ohh pleaase mak ,
 balik cpt so kyter ley gy hougang potong rambut baaek punyaa. Saaye tk sabaar
 uh nk cut hair OMGEEE . For the first time , june holidaay ny is paling best that
 i nvr had before baaaek punya holiday :) I wish , that this holidaay , happen all day.
 But , sorry yoo sayee mau ader sekolah dlm hidup saaye so i can meet all 
my friend yoo. Huhuu Awesomee to the max sekaali . Okaay can , i had 
nothing to saay already errrr . Okaay 

HEEEY , HII , HEELLO. Okaay can. This mee on that picture. I was deleting all the post at my
blog and start a new post. So sorry if theres no much post . I will be posting sometimes
whenever i free. So yaa , be patience. LOLS. Okaay can now i will be changing the
blogskins ohh yeaaaah ( : errr , but i don't know which one wanna choose , wooooooooo .
Okaay , todaay's day is soo the B O R E D cant go out play downstair and meet friends
down there? Whaat a boreed . Ohh pleaaase i wanna go school , so i can go lepaak
lepaak , or shopping which my friend . Ohh yeaaah baaaek punya , AWESOME
ohh pleaaase gerek siol. LOLS org mcm akuu comfirm kecoh . Ceeey mcm pahaam .
Okaay can that all countine when whenever i free yaaa . BYEE .

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